Brexit: Boris Johnson tells Brits to get ready for no-deal in last-ditch bid for deal


The Tory leader missed his own deadline to get a deal with Brussels, and didn’t walk away from talks today like he’d threatened to. Instead, he issued yet another ultimatum to the EU

Boris Johnson today threatened to plunge Britain into a Brexit with no trade deal on December 31 after missing his own deadline to get one.

In a TV address designed to intimidate negotiators in Brussels, the Prime Minister said he was ready to walk unless the EU “fundamentally” changes its approach.

Yet crucially Mr Johnson did not walk away from the talks on a UK-EU trade deal today, as he previously threatened to.

That is despite previously claiming todaywas his deadline to work out whether there could be a deal or not.

Having missed his own deadline, the PM instead tried to blame the EU – whose 27 leaders said more movement was needed from the UK at a summit last night.

Mr Johnson said: “As far as I can see they’ve abandoned the idea of a free trade deal.


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