Bride Uninvites Brother to Wedding After He Made Political Speech, Asked for Donations at Bridal Shower


A bride-to-be is putting a lid on her brother’s talk of politics during her wedding.

The 29-year-old woman shared in a post on Reddit’s popular “Am I the A——?” threadthat she asked her 31-year-old brother to “keep politics out” of her wedding or “to not attend” after he gave a political speech at her recent bridal shower, creating an “uncomfortable” atmosphere. 

The soon to be bride noted that her brother, who was “very active in local politics,” is currently running for a local office. She noted that while she “[supports] his ambitions,” his “constant political talk” has been a “source of tension” in their family.

However, things came to a head when she says he “took it upon himself to make a surprise announcement” regarding his campaign in the middle of her bridal shower — much to the discomfort of the 29-year-old and some of her guests.

“… He gave an impromptu speech about his political campaign, complete with campaign slogans and a request for donations,” the bride-to-be said. “The atmosphere immediately shifted from celebratory to uncomfortable. Guests were visibly confused and annoyed, and some even left early.”

The woman said that after the event she told her brother that “his stunt was inappropriate” and that she “couldn’t have him turning” her wedding into a “political platform,” as the day was supposed to be about “love and celebration.” However, this did not sit well with her sibling. 

“My brother is furious, claiming that I’m trying to ‘suppress his voice,’ and that I’m being unreasonable,” she wrote. “Our parents are also upset, saying that I’m being unfair and should accommodate his campaign because it’s important to him.”

“I’m feeling conflicted because I don’t want to create a rift in the family, but I also don’t want my wedding to become a political event,” she added.

Several people in the comments sided with the future bride, noting that her brother was in the wrong for choosing to make his political announcement her bridal shower and said that she should not have to put up with any political agendas at her wedding.

One person wrote, “There is a time and a place for most things, but your bridal shower was not the place for this. Disappointed that your parents weren’t on your side for this.”

They added that if she “really” wants to re-invite her brother to her wedding, she should, “Tell him that if he does ANY sort of political campaigning, he will be thrown out, and you are NOT kidding around… [And] warn your parents about this so that they know the deal.”

Another commenter said, “it’s your special day, not his networking event to spread his political campaign and make people leave. If they really want to be so upset about it then they can stay home and miss the big day.”

One Redditor noted: “Your wedding is not the venue for his grandstanding, and you aren’t ‘suppressing his voice’ to ask him to take his politics elsewhere.”


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