Britain’s clumsiest husband’ melts fridge, slices sofa in half and blows up wife’s car


Craig Stephens, 51, has crashed a car into a McDonald’s, blown all the lights in their home and flooded rooms, but wife of 24 years Debbie said she wouldn’t change a thing

Craig Stephens has been dubbed ‘Britain’s clumsiest husband’ by Debbie 

A man has cost his wife £5,000 thanks to his mishaps – including melting their fridge, slicing their brand new sofa in half and blowing up her car.

Debbie Stephens, 56, admits her husband of 25 years, Craig, 51, has ‘the best intentions’, but is painfully accident prone.

His clumsiness has seen him crash the car into a McDonalds while trying to change the radio station, and blow all the lights in their home during DIY.

He’s booked return tickets for the first day of their holiday, written off her car by filling the wrong bit with oil and flooded various rooms in their home while ‘fixing’ plumbing.

And despite being very fed up of his expensive mishaps, Debbie said he’s her soulmate and she wouldn’t change a thing.

Garish wallpaper – one of the examples of Craig Stephens’ handy work 


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