Britney Spears Opens Up About Body Image, Shuts Down Pregnancy and Breast Augmentation Rumors


Britney Spears is standing up for herself. The 39-year-old singer took to Instagram on Monday to address pregnancy and breast augmentation rumors, and explain why she’s comfortable baring some skin from time to time.

Alongside a lengthy caption, Britney shared photos of herself standing topless, with her hands over her breasts, and wearing white underwear. In some shots, Britney held a red rose, while others showed her with her back to the camera.

“No guys … I didn’t get a boob job in just a week … nor am I pregnant,” she began. “I have boobs in these pics cause I devoured food!!!!”

Britney continued her caption by explaining her “thoughts on exposing” her skin, calling the response “quite twisted” when women are “hot and they want to shed a layer.”

“I’m not talking in a strip club or a performance … just on a practical scale of being in your car and realizing you’re wearing a stupid long sleeve shirt in the summer!!!!” she wrote. “The immediate reaction to any woman who does this after shedding a layer is DAMN I FEEL BETTER … therefore you think you look better!!!”

That experience is one Britney has gone through during “a billion shows,” and to her “horror” she believes she sometimes “didn’t look so great” as a result.

“It’s embarrassing as fk but in my imagination it felt great!!!!” she wrote. “I mean I don’t want anybody to see the big dimple on my a but I feel like performing made me too self conscious about my body and that’s not attractive.”

As for why she feels comfortable exposing her body now, Britney explained, “It’s because I was born into this world naked and I honestly feel like the weight of the would has been on my shoulders and it’s made me view myself that way!!!!”

That “weight of the world” comment is likely in reference to her ongoing conservatorship battle, which took a turn earlier this month when her father, Jamie Spears, agreed to step down as conservator of her estate “when the time is right,” a decision her mother, Lynne Spears, supports.

In the caption of Britney’s Instagram post, she said that everything she’s been through made her want to see herself “in a lighter way … naked … like the way I was born.”

“To me, looking back at my pictures when I shoot, it’s insane the psychology in seeing myself in my purest form gives evidence that pain … hurt … tears … and heavy burdens aren’t who I am,” she wrote. “I am a woman …. a beautiful … sensitive woman who needs to look at myself in my purest form!!!”

Britney added that she’s “not going to do topless pics” for the rest of her life because it would “get boring,” but noted that posing in that way “sure as hell helps when you need to be enlightened!!!!”

“And I will admit the FREE BRITNEY comments after I took my shirt off were actually really f**king funny!!!” Britney wrote, referencing the ongoing fan movement to get her out of her conservatorship.

Britney concluded her post by noting that “there’s a way deeper meaning” to the #FreeBritney movement “than you can ever imagine,” and by thanking her fans for being “so damn amazing.”

“I love you all!!!!” she added.


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