Sam Asghari ain’t a fan of the Britney docs, that’s for sure, because he shaded them all on the heels of the latest.

Sam got a jump on “Controlling Britney Spears,” which aired on FX Friday night, saying, “Past docs left a bad after taste. I’m hoping this one will be respectful.”

Sam wasn’t done, saying, “I question producers who made them ‘just to shed light’ without input or approval from subject [Britney].”

Sam Asghari instagram story
Sam’s loyalties are clearly stated when he says, “Any credit for light being shed should go to #freebritney.”

Britney said back in March she cried for 2 days after watching “Framing Britney Spears.”

This all comes days before an enormously important court hearing, when Jamie will almost certainly say goodbye to the conservatorship. Britney’s lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, has filed legal docs declaring his intention to make a case for ending the conservatorship altogether this fall.

The big question — and the one that could be make-or-break — is whether the judge orders a mental evaluation as a prelude for deciding whether to 86 the 13-year-old conservatorship. Britney, Rosengart and Jamie Spears have all said they wanted the conservatorship terminated without such an evaluation.

There have been 2 dozen medical professionals who have weighed in over the years in closed court, presenting their diagnoses. If the judge orders an evaluation, this could turn into a war of the doctors, and the judge will have to decide who’s more credible.

The judge has already said Britney was capable of hiring her own lawyer, and that’s a clear sign she’s competent to run her own life. What’s more, now that she’s engaged to Sam and Britney’s personal conservator, Jodi Montgomery, has agreed to stay on and work for Britney post-conservatorship, the judge may feel she now has a good safety neet.

The hearing is Wednesday.


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