Charles Barkley Goes Off On ESPN, Future Coworker Kendrick Perkins


Things are gonna be pretty awkward at the ESPN office holiday party next year … ’cause Charles Barkley went off on the network and future coworker Kendrick Perkins in a passionate rant on Thursday’s “Inside the NBA” — calling the ex-NBAer a “fool” and an “idiot.”

The Chuckster unloaded on Perk and the network as a whole … claiming they’re putting way too much focus on the Los Angeles Lakers and Golden State Warriors this season — when they SHOULD be talking about the Cleveland Cavaliers and Oklahoma City Thunder.

Barkley set his sights on Perkins initially while talking with Shaquille O’Neal, Ernie Johnson and Kenny “The Jet” Smith … before opening fire on the same company that will house his beloved show next year.

“I saw a fool, idiot on TV talking about the Lakers saving the NBA,” Barkley said. “He’s an idiot and a fool. We know he is. What’s his name, Shaq? Kendrick Perkins.”

“He said the Lakers — first of all, the Lakers are having a great two weeks. He said the Lakers saved the NBA season. That’s because of them fools at the other network, which we’re going to be working at next year, that’s all they talk about.”

Barkley admitted he wanted “all the smoke” and will admit when he’s wrong … but as he sees it right now?? The folks at ESPN are the dummies.

“But y’all are idiots cause y’all talk about the Lakers and the Warriors all the time.”

On top of all the Laker and Warrior coverage, Sir Charles also bashed the network for picking low-hanging fruit … choosing topics that are tired.

“This lame-ass LeBron James-Michael Jordan debate. I’ve said it for years, the only people talking about LeBron and Michael is people on television who got no talent to talk about anything else.”

Perk heard Chuck’s comments loud and clear … firing back with a response on social media.

“Hey @NBAonTNT might wanna tell that senior citizen Charles Barkley that I’ll be around,” Perkins said. “When he see an idiot or fool in person make sure he keep that same energy.”

“He can come playing with me if he want to and imma Address his ass like the numbers on a house. Straight from the 409 homeboy and we bar none and fade all. #TexasBoy.”

Perkins also doubled down on his coverage … promising to talk more Lakers and LeBron James — ’cause in his eyes, it’s absolutely warranted.

As we previously reported, “Inside” will continue to hit the airwaves next season on ESPN … after Warner Bros. Discovery lost its rights to NBA coverage.

The show is certainly a fan favorite … but also gets its fair share of criticism, especially from guys currently in the NBA who think the crew is too negative on the current state of the game.

Either way … don’t expect Chuck and Perk to be chopping it up in the cafeteria next year.


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