Chicago Bears Getting Dude Wipes Haul After Rookie Mishap


The Chicago Bears are getting their asses saved after former player Theo Benedetmade a crucial rookie mistake … ’cause Dude Wipes is hooking the whole team up with a bunch of product!!

Here’s the deal — the Canadian lineman had a memorable moment on the final episode of HBO’s “Hard Knocks” on Tuesday … when a scene revealed he was tasked with picking up some booty cleaners for his teammates, but came back to the facility with a container of Clorox wipes instead.

The whole room erupted in laughter when Ryan Bates broke down the mishap … and Benedet — who was eventually cut from the team (not over this mistake, of course) — tried to plead his case to no avail.

Well, the folks over at Dude Wipes were watching as it all unfolded … and decided to step in and help the Bears out in a huge way.

The company tells said it is currently loading up its “Mini Pooper” special delivery vehicle and plugging in the coordinates to the team’s facility … and will dump a bunch of wipes off for the whole squad to use.

We’re told D.W. will be able to make it to Bears HQ by the end of next week … just in time for the 2024-25 season.

A lot of eyes will be on the Bears as they look to improve with No. 1-overall pick Caleb Williams … and one thing’s for sure, they’ll be the freshest team in the league now!!


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