Chief Dele Momodu’s Exclusive on the Olu of Warri coronation


Excerpts from Dele Momodu’s Interview with Chief Brown Mene

 “The Yoruba constitute the formation of the Itsekiri nation. The founder of where I come from actually hails from Remo. Talking about our relationship with Yoruba, we could be said to be two peas in a pod. We cherish our relationship with Yorubas, and we do not by any means, want to deny that.”

“We conduct ourselves in the light of all that we find to be noble and aristocratic. If we’re to relate the present crop of Itsekiri people, tracing from the first king in 1480 AD, nearly everyone would be a prince and princess. We like to conduct ourselves with such a carriage because we find it befitting.”

“Immediately we notice that the king needs replacement, the process begins. There are chiefs who will be informed informally. In such cases, we use parlances that are peculiar to us, like, “The dew has fallen in the palace.” 

“It is the responsibility of the family to screen the individual with their character and suitability, as well as norms that have been set, then produce their representation to the ojoye ojisa ? the seven chiefs in charge of the selection process; they are the same whom we refer to as the Olu Advisory Council.”

“It is a misnomer to address the Ologbotsere of Warri as prime minister, as that is an English title of one who is not answerable to anyone. That is alien to Itsekiri. The only reason the Ologbotsere of Warri is metaphorically referred to as “prime minister” is that he is first among equals ? primus inter pares.”

“The Ologbotsere of Warri presides at the council of the meeting of kings, and is the most senior and chairman among the ojoye ojisa, however, he can be replaced by the next in line if he is not available.”

“Emani Ayiri was suspended by the ruling house because he deliberately prolonged the selection process of the next Olu of Warri; he committed what was considered an affront when he tore the letter written to him on the delay of the process, and even sent the pieces back to the council.”

“Prince Tsola Emiko has the character that is fit for driving the development process of the Itsekiri people and kingdom, and that will be a great asset to us. Also, the oracle has affirmed his selection. So our expectations for the coronation are high; there is much enthusiasm all over the place.”

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