CNN Data Reporter Spots ‘Bad Sign’ For Kamala Harris: A ‘Problem’ For Her Campaign


CNN’s senior political data reporter flagged a “problem” for Democrat Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign on Friday as he pointed to polling data showing that 28% of U.S. respondents believe the country is on the “right track.”

Harry Enten said that polling finds the “right track” figure is, on average, at 25% in years when the incumbent party in the White House loses the presidential election.

“That looks a heck of a lot like that 28%,” Enten said.

He added that the “right track” figure is, on average, at 42% in years when the incumbent party wins the presidential election.

“This, to me, is a bad sign for Kamala Harris’ campaign,” Enten said.

“The bottom line is, it looks a lot more like a loser than it does like a winner when it comes to the country being on the right track.”

Enten later said that “far more than 28%” thought the country was on the track in years when the incumbent party won the presidential election.

Bill Clinton won the 1996 election when the figure was at 39%, for instance, while Ronald Reagan won his reelection bid when the figure was at 47% in 1984.

“So, there is no historical precedent for the White House party winning another term in the White House when the country, when just 28% of the country, thinks that we’re on the right track,” Enten said.


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