Cops And RobbersStolen Doritos Truck ChaseNACHO FAST!


This would have been a case for Erik Estrada … because one good chip deserves another.

A dude in Oklahoma City thought it would be a good idea to steal a Doritos truck that was sitting unattended at a local gas station. Yeah, he did that.

Oklahoma County Detention Center
The dude in question — Joshua Karpe — and we do mean in question because a Doritos truck wrapped in one gigantic advertisement is not exactly your run-of-the-mill Honda on the road.

This was a layup for cops, who easily spotted the ad for Doritos Nacho Cheese chips.

Karpe didn’t go down easy … police chased him through 3 counties — 90 minutes in all — before shooting the tires out and arresting him.

Police Captain Jeff Spruill was incredulous … “I would love to know the motivation of stealing a truck that’s very, very easy to spot and doesn’t go very fast,” adding, “What do you think you’re going to do with a truck like that?”


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