CORONAVIRUS Woman From ‘Freedom To. Breathe Agency’ BACK OFF, OR YOU’LL GET SUED


    This is disgusting … a woman claiming to be a member of the “Freedom to Breathe Agency” tried to bully and threaten a store employee who apparently dared to tell her to wear a mask.

    The woman tells the worker she can be personally sued for trying to enforce the mask policy. It seems the woman entered the store to make a point, because she’s holding a clipboard with documents … one of which she hands to the employee which outlines what the woman says is the constitutional right not to wear a mask. Just ridiculous.

    Dept. of Justice
    The business card for the “Freedom to Breathe Agency” is super deceptive … it has a Dept. of Justice logo emblazoned on it. For the naive … this is NOT a government agency.

    The card reads … “Wearing a face mask posses (sic) a mental and/or physical risk to me. Under the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) I am not required to disclose my condition to you.”

    She might as well start the “Right to Die Agency” … because that’s effectively what she’s promoting.


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