Dana White Flexes Huge Wad of Cash, Buys Pure Gold Trading Card


Dana White’s all about a fair price … handing out hundos to a fan who tried to give him rare memorabalia for free — and, flexing a wad of cash while doing it.

The CEO and president of UFC was at Fanatics Fest — a multi-day festival featuring some of the top athletes and sports personalities in the world — when a fan came up to take a quick pic with him.

Turns out the fan — a guy named Kenny Duncan Jr. — is the founder of Celebrity Mint, a company that makes commermorative coins, shaped like trading cards, of legendary sports figures … and, he offered a pure gold coin featuring Mike Tyson for free.

Dana could’ve take the card and run — but, he refused to accept without giving him a little something … ulatimately whipping out a fat stack of cash and peeling off $600 in exchange for the .5 gram coin.

Dana — who’s tight with “Iron Mike” — puts the money in Kenny’s hand and heads off … a welcome surpise for Kenny who was ready to give the card away.

Celebrity Mint’s got other stars beside Tyson BTW … featuring stars like Floyd Mayweather, Ric Flair and Pete Rose — athletes certainly worth of being cast in gold.

Dana’s one of the hardest working guys in sports … and, clearly, he ain’t trying to take advantage of anyone!


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