Denver Broncos Fan Floored By Flurry Of Punches In Violent Fight At Game


A Denver Broncos fan got involved in a violent fight at the team’s preseason game Sunday … and check out footage from the scene — he took more hits than some of the players on the field.

The tussle went down at some point during the Broncos’ 38-12 win over the Arizona Cardinals … when a guy holding a Coors Light tall boy started chirping with another spectator.

During the verbal spat, the guy with the beer lunged toward his foe … and shortly after the jab step, he took a nasty punch to the face. A third fan then got in on the action, too … throwing hands as the dude with the beer fell to the ground.

But, it didn’t end there … as the guys continued to go after the man as he sat on the concrete, seemingly in a daze.

Stadium security then rushed to the scene … and once the beer guy got back up to his feet, he tried to locate a shoe he lost in the scrap.

The most impressive part?? It appears the guy managed to salvage the majority of his booze … even after tumbling to the ground.

No word on whether anyone was booted from the game over it all … but don’t be surprised if some punishments were handed down.


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