Derek Chauvin’s inmate says the ex-cop is ‘not safe’ and warns that he’s going to get beat up a lot’


An inmate at the jail where Derek Chauvin is being held has warned that the convicted former Minneapolis cop is not safe in prison. 

Hannabal Shaddai, who is serving a life sentence at Minnesota Correctional Facility, doesn’t believe George Floyd’s killer is safe among the prison population because of his former profession and the nature of the crime.

Derek Chauvin?s inmate says the ex-cop is ?not safe? and warns that he

Shaddai, 45, claims he doesn’t seek revenge but believes Chauvin wouldn’t be safe as violence occurs regularly at the maximum-security prison in Oak Park Heights.

He told Paradox: “First of all, he’s a cop. Then he did what he did. So it’s not safe for him to be here. Best case scenario for him is he’s going to get beat up a lot. I don’t think he’s safe in any prison population.”

The prisoner, who watched the video of Chauvin pressing his knee against George Floyd’s neck, believes the photo of the ex-cop with his hands in his pockets says “everything about the country”.

Derek Chauvin?s inmate says the ex-cop is ?not safe? and warns that he

The inmate said: “I’m dark skinned so you know, it hits home. “That whole picture says to me everything in this country.”

“It says, ‘I’m going to kill one of you mother******* in broad daylight with the help of one of your own and ain’t nobody going to do nothing about it.”

Shaddai also called for Chauvin to be given a path towards forgiveness, adding that he was also painted as a “monster” at his victim’s trial.

He said: “The dude (Chauvin) is an abnormal man, we make him out to be a monster. Just like when I went to trial, the victim’s family said I was a monster.”

Derek Chauvin?s inmate says the ex-cop is ?not safe? and warns that he

It comes as Chauvin’s attorney filed a motion asking for a new trial, claiming the former police officer’s conviction came after “jury misconduct”.

Eric J. Nelson requested a new trial on the following grounds: “the interest of justice; abuse of discretion that deprived the Defendant of a fair trial; prosecutorial and jury misconduct; errors of law at trial; and a verdict that is contrary to law.”

Derek Chauvin?s inmate says the ex-cop is ?not safe? and warns that he
Derek Chauvin?s inmate says the ex-cop is ?not safe? and warns that he


    • I’m not standing up for him, but every one says he had his hand in his pocket, this is not the truth he had black gloves on and was holding his hand on his thigh, and why are people messing with white people we are being abused by the police as well, I’m a 63 year old woman and being charged with assault on 6 people, who are police family, sheriff’s wife, and a couple CI’s when in fact I was on the bottom of all of them on top of me beating me… anyway I’m poor and so they can do what they want??

      • I agree with you 100%. Chauvin I believe spent 19 years on the force I think he just hated everybody I don’t think he really cared what their race he absolutely had no patience when he originally walked up on George Floyd he was extremely disrespectful right off the bat screaming the F word over and over at Him I think really he just was a typical burned out cop!! Which is something I have fought for since the year 2000 I have been met with my ex-husband‘s chief of police explain to him that they need to do psychological a valuation‘s and also require them to go to therapy or whatever else they need when there’s obvious issues that their officers may be having and I was laughed right out of the Chiefs office. Trust me you are going against law-enforcement families I couldn’t even get an injunction a judge wouldn’t even give me an injunction after my ex-husband was arrested and I had injuries I had to get the news media involved I got nothing in the divorce he was able to illegally steal custody of my child and I’m getting ready to sue the county in Florida for everything they’ve done to me they continue to abuse me and I will tell you this too I am disabled I went to jail for domestic violence that I didn’t commit which by the way I was found not guilty. When I went into the facility I had to slow down my steps walking because of my back and I couldn’t even get the sentence out and I was jumped on by at least 3 guards from behind while handcuffed in the front I was absolutely mauled and physically attacked by corrections officers they broke my big toe on my right foot and injured my left shoulder I am already disabled due to my ex-husband‘s abuse just FYI he worked for the same county that I was in their facility does it matter ex-cop or current cop they make your life a living hell this is been going on since2001 and still occurs my daughter is 23 years old and I am still dealing with this. Not only did he know the judges personally his sister was the secretary for the judges and a judge during an injunction hearing told me “I deserve exactly when I got .” Yeah our justice system just isn’t working is it trust me that was just a bite of the pie if I told you everything it would blow your mind my rights were violated so many times and there’s a bad problem with paybacks with them they do illegal unethical and unprofessional things anything they can do to get payback on people that they feel do them wrong. I’m happy to say I know at least in the state of Florida I can sue a police department I can sue an officer personally and now I can sue a county I can sue judges personally I can sue his police department they got called out many times during the abuse and they all swept it under the rug to protect him. So it doesn’t matter what race you are nobody should be abused or treated that way by a public servant and our system should be smarter than that to hire somebody that’s in it for the power in the abuse of others and to continue in it for 19 years it’s absolutely disgusting and I am shocked that he doesn’t have 100 or more cases on him for the same behavior unfortunately most people are too scared to come forward because you take huge risk like I did end up going to jail on on charges that are made up thank God for a jury of my peers within two minutes family not guilty you can’t trust all the judges you can’t trust the corrections officers can’t trust the sheriffs you can’t trust the police officers but you can definitely most of the time trust a jury of your peers to see through bullshit!!!! I am so very thankful for that. I wish you luck and yes it’s going to be a tough road I can’t even go back and live in that county I’m too scared to so you have a right to feel fear and and potential unjust. Be very careful and don’t be to surprised when you hear A law enforcement officer or even his family lie lie lie to the judge and the jurors After all officers are trained to manipulate live for people so of course they know how to manipulate the system they’re trained well in it so please be very careful and I wish you luck.

      • I am a 61 year old white woman who has also hurt at the hands of a cop in 2009, but I wasn’t murdered, and neither were you. What happened to us has no bearing on my earlier comment. Chauvin doesn’t deserve an ounce of mercy! Prison isn’t designed to be either fun or safe. He’s where he deserves to be.

      • You’re so right! Authority figures have abused all poor people for a very long time. I’m also Caucasian and was beaten so badly by NJ state troopers that they broke every rib in my body, couldn’t move for 2 months. The difference is the media only shows black people being hurt to incite More protest, rioting and more news, more money. The figures are last year, police killed about 300 people, 56 black, 130 Latin and the balance being Caucasian. Yet the media only shows blacks being hurt or killed, very rarely latins or caucasians, because we go home, keep our mouth shut and hope it doesn’t happen again. In short it’s all about big money making more big money at the cost of particularly black lives, but all poor people and it will never change!! Whoever said life was fair??

    • You’re right and he will never get any mercy. He’s a walking Dead Man in prison or out he will definitely be killed. There’s no reason to waste another Penny on him! A new trial, changing prisons make no difference! He’s already deader than my great granddaddy!!

  1. Its the most obvious the crime he committed was blatent and intentional with absolute total disregard of a mans life . What new trial . . hes got to be joking to waste another minutes time or money would be complete insult to the victims family and everyone else . . hes very deserving of a 20 yr straight sentence no parole or early release and absolutely no less.

    • He could very well get more than 20 years. In another article that I read, the judge in Chauvin’s case just ruled that there are aggravating factors against Chauvin. Since he had no prior record, defendants like that usually get 12.5 years. But since the judge ruled aggravating factors, he could possibly get up to 40.

  2. They can do what ever they want to him. But he knows the truth. He knew George before that day from working with him. But with his badge, gun and buddies beside him, he felt big enough to murder another human. This wasn’t his first but it will be his last. Nelson needs to leave it alone. The Feds are next and Nelson won’t have a chance to beat them either. Quit wasting tax dollar money and serve your time. You weren’t scared on May 25, 2020, don’t be scared now and don’t make those witnesses go thru it again especially those children.

  3. I sure will leave a reply. Although one may forgive it still does not mean consequences of behavior should not be applied. Looking at Chauvin’s face you could see the amusement in his face. Clearly, he murdered George with intent and malice. Yes, the intent was there. At some point the police have to know this type of behavior is unacceptable. I’m a Black woman with no criminal record. I had a gun placed at my temple after police responded to a call for help on an assault (on a family member) where the suspects were 3 Black men. Why was I demanded to get on the ground? My nephew was the victim and I was taking him to safety. Had they gone to the victims house they would have know that but they are so scary for treating others poorly they act in fear and use aggressive power. They told me to get on the ground and I refused asking why.The officer stated we fit the description. I asked and what is that? He said three dark complexion black males. LOL Really? There was no dark complexion Black males with me. Of course, after the incident I filed a complaint which went nowhere. Time and time again scenarios more heinous happens to people of color, poor whites, the homeless, and people with mental illness. It’s time for police to stand accountable for their inappropriate actions under the color of authority. Chauvin murdered George Floyd with intent and MALICE and he deserves the maximum sentence the law will allow! PERIOD!!!!!! With the reading of the verdict you could see the shock and confusion on his face. He just knew just like the rest he was not going to be convicted! Oops! Sike! You’re it! Thank GOD for a more conscious and unaccepting population of people who sat on that jury who looked at evidence and listened to testimony honestly reaching the appropriate ruling! FINALLY!

    • He knew he was going to be convicted. He was trying to settle on a sentence before trial. The D.A. and his lawyer were working on a plea deal for him to do I believe 12 years but in Federal pin. The ATG said hell no. So yes that man knew he was going to get some time. He wasn’t shocked at all, they had too much damming evidence against him.

    • No human no matter what race they are should ever endure any physical abuse from a public servant or from anybody else!!! Chauvin got what he deserved and all law enforcement officers need to know this behavior will not be tolerated no matter what sex or race you are!! Wrong is wrong . Sometimes the race card gets mighty old!! It happens to all races , it happened to me and I’m not black. I truly think Chauvin disliked all the public equally . You can see how he acted from the very start . That is a department issue . They would have seen Chauvin bad behavior in any of his body cam footage. Lots of cops shouldn’t be cops and the departments have many tools now to recognize that. Police have no excuses anymore after body cams surfaced.

  4. One question. If it had been a black police officer that did this to a white man, would anyone be willing to give him a retrial for the same reasons requested in this case?

    • He’s not going to get a retrial. His defense lawyer is just showboating. And also, he’s already on suicide watch at the jail.

    • If the video showed what this one showed then absolutely not. He wouldn’t deserve another trial no matter what skin tone you are but just so you know it wasn’t a black cop who killed a white man?

    • EXACTLY MICHAEL A… if those where 4 Black cops and they did that to a white man, wouldn’t nobody be talking about a retrial… and also note, if it was a Black cop who killed a white man, he would get life without parole, not just 20 or even 40 years…

  5. He already had a jury trial he was found guilty because he was guilty. Apparently this is not the first time his has used this technique; back in 2017 he used this same technique on a child. This guy deserves what ever he gets in prison. He deserves to do a minimum of 40 years without parole or out early for any reason. Let’s see how tough this guy is when he can’t do anything about it just like George Floyd or the kid he felt like the tough guy with. I hope you get everything you deserve “Derek Michael Chauvin”. Lord have no mercy on his soul.

    • Yes and that 17-year-old kid was begging for him to stop!! it was the same scenario. He beat him in the head with a flashlight, He had him handcuffed, he was not I repeat NOT resisting.! As far as the new trial goes what jury misconduct is he talking about is he talking about the fact that they found his client guilty?! Wow! This is Ridiculous!

  6. The cop killed him also Floyd’s friend should of took the stand the court railroaded him so the wouldn’t be burned to coals by morning that’s the real deal

  7. No! He deserves the full time the laws provides. So what if he gets his but lived on regular basis. He killed a man in cold blood as he begged for his life. Human mercy should not be given to him in no fashion. He is worse than a monster. I’m sorry to say.

  8. I believe that this son of a bitch should rot in hell and die in hell keep them in the system don’t ever let him out he’s a burden to our society and he should be put to death I have no feelings for this guy whatsoever except that he’s a piece of shit and just so you know I’m white

  9. All he deserves are prayers When he took George Floyds life he also committed suicide No matter what moving forward just as Floyd’s life is over so is his It is tragic how many lives have been hurt and or destroyed because of hatred and racism

  10. Did anybody see the whole video? He was absolutely reasonable with the guy for half an hour but he was too whacked out to respond. Cops aren’t psychologist and the guy was a mess. What do you expect. I think the cop was too easy on him for too long.

  11. You all really didn’t watch the full trial and listen to every witness!! He didn’t kill him all of the drugs and his heart did. They said his oxygen saturation was at 98% when he got to the hospital. If George didn’t do a crime the police officers would not have been there. If our society would treat police with respect then they would treat you with respect!!! DO WHAT THE POLICE SAY!!!

    • Apparently you didn’t watch the trial either because that police is the reason George Floyd is dead. So stop trying to take up for the coward police officer who has took no one but two lives! This coward doesn’t give life and he doesn’t have the authority to take anyone life!!

      • Apparently you didn’t bc he was found guilty of murder! He killed him. The drugs in his system would’ve killed him when he did them. Your gross, so basically listen to police or die? Your mental

    • Do as the police say? With all do Respect, FUCK YOU. Cops are humans. They have bad days just like us. They make mistakes just like us. The difference is they have not been held accountable for their poor decisions or mistakes. Every excuse in the book has been made for them . They are here to uphold the law, not break it. Derek Chauvin fucked up. He has to pay just like anybody else . What he should have done, the smart thing to do would have been to get George Floyd detained and cuffed, place him in the back of a police car immediately, limiting physical contact , then go from there . Chauvin keeping Floyd pinned on the ground for that long in any way was bullshit . Too many times doing what the police say will walk you right into breaking the law . Fuck that .

    • I’ve been nothing but nice polite and respectful to cops before just for them to try and intimidate me and harass me for no reason. Facts. Cops are fucking swine. Little dick insecure pussys who need a badge and a gun to feel powerful and respected. Mother fucker real men COMMAND respect. Real men have NO FEAR. Real men are comfortable with themselves and know who they are enough to not feel the need to try and power move somebody. Fuck the police. They know who and what they are so you should too. Human garbage. Not even human. Swine. Cockroaches. Maggots. Human prices of shit.

  12. I think what the officer did was horrible and deserves what he gets but don’t make Floyd out to be a saint he raped and beat up a pregnant lady no he didn’t deserve what happen but all this has gone alittle far he was not a nice person

    • Floyd’s past has nothing to do with to with his life being taken in suck a brazened way….now that’s the point. It continues to happen to black men every single day. No one does anything about it!!!

      • Respectfully, because I also believe he was guilty, they tried to get him in the car, but he was 6ft7, and resisting. And, it’s not just black people. Tony Timpa called the police asking for help, and ended up dying with the cops knee on his neck. Also, Nicolas Salcido. No headlines for them. The cops need to have accountability
        Check this out. We all have to stand together as Americans, and demand accountability

  13. A man died for no GOOD reason and the perso who KILLED him needs to take respon3.
    Bottom line.
    No “ifs”, ” ands” or “buts”.

  14. This cop was a bully and a punk. He has other litigation pending against him from other instamces of individuals he has assaulted also from older dates. He deserves to be left in jail and get some return karma. God knows how many people he has assaulted that havent bothered to come forward.This guy appears to be a menace and disgrace to any police force.

    • This is why they get away with it. We need to band together black white Hispanic Asian scrog it Americans! We need accountability from the cops and government. And, If we try the unexpected (like banding together, instead of fighting,) We can do it legally. Remember, if we stand true, and together, we are a huge bolc of voters. Apart, sadly, we’re Fringe groups. I’m kinda tired of ANYONE being beaten, or exploited by the police, or the government. And, the only way to stop it is to use our power to let our elected officials know that as they used to sing “we’re not going to take it anymore!” Lol we’re not worthless and weak!!!


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