Devastated families of Covid victims slam PM over ‘it’s only killing those in 80s’ claim


Devastated families of elderly coronavirus victims have spoken of their disgust after bombshell claims the Prime Minister said ‘Covid was only killing 80-year-olds.’

A government source told the 360aproko that Boris Johnson had dismissed the disease as “only” killing 80-year-olds last autumn.

They claimed he said: “If I was 80 I wouldn’t care, I’d be more worried about the economy”.

No 10 aides were said to be concerned that the PM’s hatred of lockdowns would lead to him being regarded as a “Grandma killer” by the public.

Speaking to the 360aproko in the wake of the allegations grieving families of those who had died during the pandemic said Boris ‘needs to get a heart.’

Kaye Forrest, 89, died after contracting Covid at her care home in Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

Her family were preparing to celebrate her 90th birthday with her family coming from all over the world to wish her well.

Her son, Matt Forrest, 53, from Doncaster said she died on May 27th last year.

He said: “Boris needs to get a heart because losing our mum at 89 devastated the family.

“My mum was a nurse before becoming a foster parent to around 87 children over the years.

“She was an amazing mum to so many people and I find it incredibly hurtful to think our Prime Minister could dismiss such a beautiful human being so easily.”

Rex Williams was 85 when he died of Covid in a care home in Coventry in April last year.

“I am speechless and disgusted, as a bereaved family member, with the Prime Minister’s words,” his son Charlie said.

“This is our prime minister. To date, all these accusations, if you match them up with the PM’s actions, then they sound very believable.

“We cannot have a prime minister who says these things. This is a prime minister whose government gave orders to send untested patients into care homes.

“There were 30,000 plus who died as a result, including my own father.”

Charlie, from Birmingham, is pushing for an independent and judge-led Statutory Public Inquiry as a member of the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice.

“Many people may praise him for the vaccinations, and that is fine, but we need to hold our government to account when they have done wrong as well,” he said.

“It’s a very serious case of neglect of the highest order.

“With my father, his death is the result of our government’s gross negligence. I believe it will be proven in a court of law.”

Bill Campbell was 86 when he died at Bishopton in Renfrewshire, Scotland.

His daughter Linda Verlaque told the Mirror: “It’s bad enough that I lost my 86-year-old father to Covid, but almost losing my husband who’s only 54 to Covid in December last year was unbearable.

“The PM’s comments are ridiculous and he should be held accountable for every death no matter what age in the UK.”

The Prime Minister is set to face shocking new allegations on Wednesday as Dominic Cummings is set to give explosive testimony on the Government’s handling of the pandemic to MPs from 9.30am.

Downing Street earlier did not deny Mr Johnson made the remarks – but insisted the Government had been focused throughout on saving lives.

A No 10 spokesman said: “There is a huge task for this Government to get on with.

“We are entirely focused on recovering from the pandemic, moving through the roadmap and distributing vaccines while delivering on the public’s priorities.

“Throughout this pandemic, the Government’s priority has been to save lives, protect the NHS and support people’s jobs and livelihoods across the United Kingdom.”


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