DMX Reflected on His Life in Last Recorded Interview


Ahead of his death in April, DMX reflected on his life and legacy. The iconic artist sat down for what would be his final recorded interview back in March, and opened up about his personal journey.

“I always say I’m gonna look back on my life just before I go and thank God for every moment. For every single moment,” the legendary rapper — who’s real name was Earl Simmons — said in an interview with TVOne’s Uncensored back in March.

The sit-down came just three weeks before DMX suffered a heart attack that left him on life support in the hospital in White Plains, New York, for a week before his eventual death on April 9, at the age of 50.

During the interview, the “X Gon’ Give It to Ya” rapper reflected on how many people told him at an early age that he wasn’t going to make it as an artist, or even be alive for long.

“Up until I was 20, I was told I wouldn’t live to see 20,” DMX shared, adding that it became his mission to “out live every body’s expectations. And not just out live but out perform, out last ’em.”

And this drive to thrive in his life seemingly went hand-in-hand with his appreciation for his success.

“Every good idea is a gift from God, and how you say thank you is by using it,” he shared.


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