Do Bald Men Have More Testosterone


Best Vitamins – Optimizer Hormones, Improve Hair Loss & Prostate Health:

How Baldness And Hormones Are Connected:

Do Bald Men Have More Testosterone
Hi – I’m Dr. Sam Robbins and the answer to this question is yes, no and it depends. Let me expand on this.

First, what’s the cause of hair loss and balding, especially in men – but also in women?

Well, genetics plays a big role of course, as I’ve stated many times before.

However, hormones also play a big role in the way you look and feel, especially when it comes to balding.

There are many factors that cause hair loss – such as hormonal imbalances, receptor sensitivity, inflammation and so forth.

But yes, genetics aside – the #1 cause of hair loss is hormonal imbalance and it mainly has to with male androgens, which is primarily testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

However, before I get into the scientific stuff – let’s look at things logically.

Teenagers and guys in their 20’s have the highest testosterone levels, while older men past the age of 40 and so forth, have the lowest levels.

So, IF testosterone is the cause of hair loss, then one would assume that all the guys in their 20’s will be bald and yet, it starts later in life when testosterone levels begin to drop.

One reason for the hair loss as we get older is that the testosterone gets more converted to and reduced to DHT – dihydrotestotserone.

Thus, testosterone slowly lowers and DHT slowly increases. And DHT is very active at the skin and prostate and thus, these two areas get worse.

You start balding, you get more body hair and your prostate grows.

Now, take a look at this picture of 3 men.

The two men on the left, have NO DHT at all. The lack the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestoserone.

While the guy on the right is a regular guy, has both testosterone and DHT.

Well, the 2 guys on the left that have no DHT, have more muscle and a full head of hair. While the guy on the right has less muscle and is receding in the templates.

Thus, balding men usually have LOWER testosterone levels, but higher DHT levels… compared to when they were younger.

This is why DHT inhibitor drugs such as Finasteride (Proscar) and Dutasteride (Avodart) help with hair loss and prostate problems.

Unfortunately, they have lots of negative side-effects – including impotence and depression.

However, if you blocked or lowered all male hormones – testosterone and DHT – basically, castrating yourself. Then hair loss can stop and even reverse. Assuming you haven’t been totally bald for years and years.

Obviously you don’t want to castrate yourself.

This last point is that DHT is probably the worst hormone for the scalp and one of the biggest causes of hair loss.

However, even having super high levels, like when you take steroids or high dose Testosterone Replacement Therapy, can still cause hair loss, even if you blocked DHT, because testosterone can still bind to the hair follicles and cause them to shrink.

It’s just not nearly as bad as DHT.

So what’s the best solution for you to still have a high libido and sex drive, feel good, have more muscle and less belly fat while reducing your chances of balding?

Naturally increase your testosterone levels within normal range.

Naturally decrease DHT levels within a normal range. Unlike Propecia which lowers it too much.

Naturally decrease excess levels of estrogens and stress hormones.
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Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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