Don’t wait for my mistakes, Nwabali tells fans


Super Eagles goalkeeper, Stanley Nwabali, has told Nigerians not to wait for him to commit a mistake but to encourage him and the rest of the team as they chase a fourth Africa Cup of Nations in Ivory Coast.

Peseiro’s decision to name Nwabali as the team’s first choice caused a stir with some praising his move as ruthless, while others believe Francis Uzoho has been unfairly treated.

But in two games at the AFCON, however, Nwabali has brought something of calm and confidence between the sticks that the Eagles team had lacked since the unfortunate retirement of Carl Ikeme in 2016.

Nwabali was rarely tested in the Eagles’ 1-1 draw against Equatorial Guinea but in the win over Ivory Coast, he came to the rescue of Peserio’s men with an assured display and a save to deny Jean-Philippe Krasso in the game earned him the Save of The Day prize.

“To me, I’m not the best and I don’t think I’m going to be the best because we have a lot of goalkeepers that have played and won trophies for the country.

“Even if I win a trophy for the country, I don’t still feel like the best because I only just want to see my family happy and people watching me to be happy. 

“So talking about quality goalkeeper, talking about Nigeria having problems with goalkeepers. It happens everywhere, Countries having issues with the goalkeepers, but only what I want to say to them,” he told Osasu Obayiuwana in an interview on Saturday.

“Don’t wait for my mistake, don’t wait when I make a mistake. Now you come out to talk, now it’s time for you to encourage everyone. Don’t wait for my mistake.”

On his experience at his first AFCON tournament, the Chippa United keeper said it has been nice although he refuses to be called the first choice.

“It has been nice, it has been nice to be honest. It has been God throughout but being the first choice, no I’m not the first choice, Uzoho is still the first choice. I only had an opportunity to play so I just feel like when I have an opportunity to play I just need to do my best. We’re talking about the first choice who’s always the first choice of the club,” he said.

Nwabali also said that his role model is Manuel Neuer of the Germany National team and Bayern Munich saying, “I don’t admire any other person apart from Manuel Neuer. He has been my role model, I like how the guy played, his confidence, everything, his leadership.”


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