Best Foods To Eat No Matter What Your Health, Age or Sex:
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Healthy Immune System With Vit D3 + K2
Drink This Every Morning – Better Immune + Gut Health & Less Stress
Today I’m going to reveal 5 specific reasons you should start your day with warm lemon water.
Plus, ONE thing you can add to the water, which will dramatically improve your immune system, reduce stress, improve gut health and lower your appetite – especially for sugars.
This is something I’ve been doing for as long as I can remember, probably starting my early 20’s
And today’s topic is even more important if you are under extra stress or just have a stressful life-style — which I think most of us do these days – physically and emotionally.
And this all started from a viewer’s question:
Hi Dr. Robbins – I was wondering what your thoughts are on having lemon water? Especially warm lemon water in the morning? Ever since I’ve been doing this, I’ve felt better and healthier. I don’t know if it’s in my head or it’s actually doing something. What are your thoughts?
So, this is a very interesting question because I have a lot of personal experience with this.
Growing up, I would get sick a lot. Mainly because I think I’ve always pushed myself too hard, for too long. Thus, too much stress.
I’d study and work long hours.
I’d go to the gym too much, too often, too long and push too hard.
Now, I know other people who could get away with doing this, but when I did – I would always have a cold or sore throat or just feel run down. Eventually, I would just get totally sick and get the flu.
Of course, these days I’ve totally changed everything in my life and I can’t remember the last time I got sick. For sure, it’s been well over a decade … or maybe two since I’ve gotten the flu and I never get the flu shot.
I do occasionally feel a little run down and I immediately increase my vitamin C, D3 & K, rest extra for a couple of days and I’m back to 100%.
So, where is all of this going as it pertains to lemon water?
Well, when I would get a “tickle” in my throat, or itchy throat or felt like I was getting sick, my mom would tell me to have warm lemon water.
She would say, “it’s good for your immune system and it helps balance your body and it’s good for your throat and stomach”.
Of course, being a man of medicine, all of this made ZERO sense to me.
But, when I was starting to get sick, I’d do whatever it took and every single time I started having lemon water, I would get better quickly. My sore throat would go away in a day.
So, I didn’t care how it worked or why, I just cared it did.
I mean, it costs me nothing and it’s simple and it tastes good – so, who cares – right?
Now, these days I do add in something extra into my lemon water and it’s made a huge difference and I’ll tell you about that in a minute.
But in doing research for this video, I wanted to know IF there was something special about lemon water, let alone warm lemon water in the morning?
So, let me share with you what I’ve discovered and then my own personal opinion:
5 Reasons To Have Warm Lemon Water In The Morning
Vitamin C
Aids In Digestion & Constipation
Kidney Stones
Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.
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Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.