Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson on aiding Trump: ‘I pointed him to Jesus’


Trump place a greater emphasis on spirituality during his presidency.

Robertson — during an appearance on 360aproko News’ “Watters’ World,” — told guest host Brian Kilmeade that faith “was at the center” of all three of his meetings with the president.

“I pointed him to Jesus,” Robertson claimed. “We talked spiritual matters all three times.”

On Thursday, religion and faith were once again on Trump’s mind when the president told 360aproko News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, a practicing Roman Catholic, and the Democrats were “against the Bible” and claimed Biden was “against God.”

Upon arriving in Cleveland that same day, Trump also said Biden wanted to “hurt the Bible, hurt God.”

But the Biden camp firmly rejected Trump’s comments.

“Joe Biden’s faith is at the core of who he is; he’s lived it with dignity his entire life, and it’s been a source of strength and comfort in times of extreme hardship,” Biden spokesman Andrew Bates told 360aproko News.

The Biden campaign also criticized Trump’s controversial June 1 photo shoot outside St. John’s Church in Washington, in which the president held a Bible after leading a march of members of his administration across Lafayette Park to the church from the White House.

According to Robertson, host of the “Unashamed” podcast, November’s presidential election could turn into a battle of Jesus versus the Devil and Karl Marx. The outcome will either be “Hell on Earth” or “peace of mind,” he said.

Phil Robertson speaks in Columbia, S.C., Feb. 19, 2016.
“If you look at it logically, viewing it through a spiritual lens, you’ve got the Devil on one hand. You’ve got Jesus on the other,” Roberston told Kilmeade. “And those two forces are coming together. And if you punch the wrong button and go with the wrong person, there’s either Hell on Earth or there’s peace of mind.

“Jesus? Peace of mind. Karl Marx and his adherents? Hell on Earth. That’s where we are.”


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