Esther Nnamdi-Ogbue releases The Power Five


The Boardroom Boss, Esther Nnamdi-Ogbue, is taking leadership coaching by storm with the release of her power package for business leaders, entrepreneurs, top management executives and new entrants to the field.  These books, when released, will help the aspiring boardroom leader learn, from the wealth of experience she has gained across the legal, retail and economic sectors, what is required to emerge a vibrant and effective leader. At a time when the playing field has drastically changed, the effects of the pandemic ravaging all aspects of life, it is essential to have guidance in building or reinforcing leadership in business or the corporate world. The answers needed to move from the boardroom to execution, build team spirit, increase client base, gain visibility and significance are contained within the pages of these books.  

Esther Nnamdi-Ogbue releases The Power Five

  They are not called the Power Five for nothing. These books literally put the power to be, in business and organizational leadership in your hands, reducing the time and effort that would otherwise have been expended on charting a navigation path through knotty issues. Esther’s desire to see more people successful and fulfilled is the reason she wrote these books. Though they are independent titles, the ideas in one lean on the strength of the other to give a full, total continuum of knowledge delivery. Esther Nnamdi-Ogbue is a multi-level leader and skilled expert with over seventeen years board experience and working with corporate leaders. She is popularly known as THE BOARDROOM BOSS. As a trainer and leadership coach, she works with individuals, professionals, corporate leaders, organizations and governments to become the effective leaders they truly desire and deserve to be. Her desire to help raise borderless leaders across several sectors is the reason she has written the books. They will be available to the public by May. Every visionary leader needs to have these books as their constant companion. Preorder is on through her website, and her Selar marketplace.  


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