Farrelly Brothers Say Actor Friend Was Run Over After Asking Man To Wear a Mask


The famous directing duo Peter and Bobby Farrelly said their good friend, who also appeared in many of their movies, was run over after asking a man to wear a mask amid the coronavirus pandemic.

On Thursday, the brothers took to Twitter to share a post by Bill Beauchene who alleges he was involved in a violent incident that ended up with his arrest in Rhode Island.

“Here’s a picture of my friend Bill Beauchene who got attacked and then run over today after asking a 20-something-year-old guy standing next to him in a convenience store why he wasn’t wearing a mask,” the Farrelly brothers’ tweet read.

They added, “Here’s Bill’s account of what happened. It was in R.I. #wearadamnmask.”

In Beauchene’s retelling, he began by saying his bloody shin, which was pictured, was not “accidental” and that he had spent a few hours in jail for disorderly conduct.

“As I was coming out of a convenience [store] to some guy was right on my ass with no mask on and I said to him ‘where is your mask.’ And he totally went off on me I mean big time!” he wrote. “I just stood there while he kept chest bumping me.”

“He told me if he ever saw me off the property [he] was going to cut my throat so I went behind his car and took a picture of his license plate. When I stepped out from behind his car he opened his door and floored his car in reverse,” he continued.

Beauchene detailed how he was thrown about 20 feet from the impact which caused the “huge gash” in his leg.

“When the cops came they pulled me aside and said look we’re willing to just let this whole thing go and you can both just go. If not we’re going to arrest you both for disorderly conduct,” he explained.

“I was so pissed that I really didn’t care if I had to spend a couple of hours at the station so I said let’s go downtown. There were 5 cop cars, the rescue truck and a fire truck at the scene. I have to go to court in October.”

Beauchene appeared in a number of the Farrellys’ films, including “There’s Something About Mary,” “Shallow Hal,” “Kingpin” and “Osmosis Jones.”


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