Fish with human teeth baffles beachgoers after being caught on pier


A rare fish with human-like teeth has been caught in the United States, leaving beachgoers baffled.

The creature was caught by an angler off Jennette’s Pier, a popular fishing destination in Nag’s Head, North Carolina.

Photos of the fish went viral and it was later identified as a sheepshead fish.

Fish with human teeth baffles beachgoers after being caught on pier

The fish was reeled in by Nathan Martin, and the photo was shared on Facebook.

Fish with human teeth baffles beachgoers after being caught on pier

The fisherman said he had been hoping to catch a sheepshead fish but was shocked after coming face-to-face with a “mouth full of teeth”.

“It’s a very good fight when you’re fighting on the line, it’s a really good catch, and it tastes very good,” he told McClatchy News.

Fish with human teeth baffles beachgoers after being caught on pier

The so-called “demon fish” have a mouthful of molars, and two incisors.


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