

A friend is someone who’s got your back as much as you got theirs. If you ever have to ponder who truly are your friends, stop, and think no more. It’s time to accept that those you call friends are just a truck load of acquaintances and familiar strangers.

Unfortunately, most of the people we tend to ignore, truly have our best interest at heart. Only if we could give them a chance and ignore those who needs to be ignored.

What is the use of someone, whose very own nature is no different from a parasite?

I ask you again, of what use is someone who uses others as a means to an end?

So many selfish and self centered individuals moving around, parading themselves as our friends, camouflaged as best friends. so many individuals christening others with titles best suited for those who are deserving.

Friends stand by you. A true friend helps when you are in danger. A friend is someone you can count on, to always be there. Someone who lends you a shoulder to cry on, one you can always lean on. That individual who will never wants  to see you down. A friend ought to be your biggest cheerleader. That very person whose acts of kindness moves you to tears. Someone who will go out of their way to see you smile.

You see that person who has made it so difficult for you to define who is family, that is a true friend. Family is not always blood related;it could be someone who has seen every bit of your soul, but never left.


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