Gay rights activist boasts about denying a man a job because he’s straight and his tweets receives support from members of the LGBTQ community


    A Twitter user took to the platform to boast about rejecting a job applicant because he is not gay.

    The Twitter user shared a screenshot of the chat exchanged with the job seeker. In it, the job seeker was asked about his sexual orientation and he explained that he’s straight but added that he’s not homophobic. However, he was rejected for the job because of his sexuality.

    The employer later took to Twitter to report it first before the job seeker brings it to Twitter.

    “If I trend on this app for not hiring a straight person, I hope y’all will come out for me. Because I just did it. Not going to empower a system that oppresses me,” the employer wrote alongside the screenshot of their chat.

    Gay rights activist boasts about denying a man a job because he
    Gay rights activist boasts about denying a man a job because he

    Members of the LGBTQ community responded to the tweets by stating that the employer’s action is acceptable since gay people are rejected for jobs because of their sexuality. Some added that they only hire queer people.

    However, some asked if they aren’t also engaging in the same discrimination they say they suffer due to their sexual orientation.

    Read reactions below.

    Gay rights activist boasts about denying a man a job because he
    Gay rights activist boasts about denying a man a job because he
    Gay rights activist boasts about denying a man a job because he
    Gay rights activist boasts about denying a man a job because he


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