George Takei is drawing a line in the sand on vaccines — saying those who consciously choose not to get the jab should be refused priority care if they get sick from COVID.

The “Star Trek” star came out swinging with his hot take Friday, writing … “The willfully unvaccinated who wind up in hospitals from Covid should not receive priority medical care over other very sick or injured people who are as much in urgent need of medical care.”

GT followed by tweeting the following … “Anti-vaxxers think they are owning us liberals by refusing to get vaccinated. But as the kids say, this is an epic self-own.”

His sentiment has gotten some blowback because of the harsh do-or-die approach. Some have pointed out there’s a number of people who are unvaccinated for a variety of reasons … and instead of calling for them to get left out in the dust, as George suggests here, they argue there simply needs to be even more outreach/education on vaccine safety.

It would appear George — and others who’ve also called for the unvaccinated to lose out on privileges — is past the point of talking and convincing. Fact is, the data is out there.

This is the battleground brewing right now, and it’s only getting hotter by the day.


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