Hold perpetrators of Lekki shootings accountable, US tells FGPublished


The United States has strongly condemned the use of excessive force by the military authorities against unarmed demonstrators in Lekki, Lagos.

The Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, in a statement on Thursday, asked the Federal Government to hold those responsible accountable.

He said the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression are essential human rights and core democratic principle.

Pompeo, therefore, admonished the security services to show maximum restraint and respect fundamental rights.

He also enjoined the demonstrators to remain peaceful.

The statement titled, ‘Ongoing protests in Nigeria’, read in part, “We welcome an immediate investigation into any use of excessive force by members of the security forces. Those involved should be held to account in accordance with Nigerian law.

“The right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression are essential human rights and core democratic principles.

“We call on the security services to show maximum restraint and respect fundamental rights and for demonstrators to remain peaceful. We extend our condolences to the victims of the violence and their families.”


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