Horror as 25-year-old man is buried alive in 5ft-deep sand pit after freak beach accident in front of his friends


A 25 year-old man who fell into a 5ft-deep hole and was buried alive is now fighting for his life in hospital.

Josh Taylor was with his friends at a beach north of Brisbane, Australia when he fell into the hole they had dug to roast a pig in.

Upon falling, Josh got submerged in the sand and friends, family and witnesses were unable to pull him out for almost an hour.

Nathan, a witness, told 7News: “We just started digging, digging, digging.”

He said that he immediately ran down to his car, grabbed his brother and told him that he had to go and help dig.

Nathan explained that Josh and his friends had dug a hole to cook a pig in, and that Josh had fallen into the hole.

He recalled how the sand swallowed Josh as he stood up off of his chair and that this is what caused him to stumble in.

Nathan also said that Josh was so deep in the hole that no part of him was visible.

Only his feet could be seen if you were standing on top.

He continued: “All of his family were screaming at us, telling us to help, telling us to get rope so we could pull him out. It was pretty gruesome.

Multiple paramedic crews, rescue helicopters and a group of Queensland Park and Wildlife Rangers were called to the scene.

Nathan said: “There was like 15 fully grown men on the end of this rope and he still would not budge.”

When the paramedics arrived they started pulling him, and it was only then that the suction gave way and he eventually came out of the hole.

Nathan said that Josh finally popped out of the sand after an hour of pulling and digging, but that the force caused him more injury.

When Josh was finally freed, he did not have a pulse.

It took the police officers 45 minutes of extended CPR to get his pulse to return.

They then handed him over to the rescue crew, who airlifted him from the beach and flew him to Princess Alexandra Hospital.

He said: “It was pretty gnarly when he popped out. I threw up.

“He broke. The suction, the force, of everyone pulling.

“I’m praying that he pulls through this.”

Josh remains in critical condition, but doctors are working tirelessly to save his life.


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