How a couple married again after 24 years of splitting


A woman has shared her beautiful love story of how she married a man she met and fell in love with 24 years ago after they finally reconnected.

In the video, the woman takes us through how she met with her now husband on a train in 1986, fell in love with him but they went about their separate lives shortly after and couldn’t reconnect until she later found him on YouTube.null

They began talking and met for the first time 24 years after and later got married again. This is definitely one of the best love story.

She shared;

In 1986 I boarded a crowded train in NY

A young man saw me

He approached me and asked me for my number

with the whole train watching

His name was Glenn and we started dating

We fell in love

Our lives took different paths and we split

Afterwards we both tried to find each other

Without any success

More than 20 years passed

Then one day I found Glenn on YouTube

I subscribed to his channel and he messaged me back

“No way!!! Is this you? Call me, take a chance”

We started chatting but lived 00’s of miles away

The after 24 years of being apart we met up

And guess what…

We got married

We both took a chance on love



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