How Does Cheerios Lower Cholesterol (Myths & Warnings Included) – by Dr Sam Robbins


Want a fast, easy and safe solution to lower your cholesterol?


How Does Cheerios Lower Cholesterol

The truth is that the cholesterol-lowering effect of Cheerios and other high-fiber foods is fairly small, so don’t expect any miracles.

The Problems With Cheerios

In fact, Cheerios can have a many negatives that most people don’t know and aren’t aware of… So much so that the FDA has issued MANY warnings against Cheerios in recent years because of false health claims.

Only the “original” Cheerios can even make claims of “lowering cholesterol”.

Even “original” Cheerios still has problems because it contains sugars, GMO grains and preservatives.

Cheerios has no health values due to excess processing when manufacturing them.

I’ll be honest with you – for 3 little grams of fiber found in the original Cheerios, you’re getting a lot of other negatives. So, I would pass on Cheerios…

The 4 Healthiest, Fastest, Easiest & Safest Ways Of
Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally…

  1. DIET

Carbohydrates – Eliminate or at least limit all man-made carbohydrates – such as cakes, crackers, breads, chips, etc.

Proteins – Americans eat way too much animal protein. Reduce the protein and limit it to vegetable sources, grass fed bison and wild-caught fish such as salmon.

Fats – They are very important for proper hormone function. The best are RAW almonds, walnuts, avocados, fish oil and extra virgin coconut oil.

Fiber – Eat lots of fiber, about 10-25 grams daily. The best sources would be from vegetables, legumes, fruits with skin, and nuts (walnuts are best).


All you need is 20-30 minutes of “something”, 3-4x a week.


Stress really does “kill” because of all the negative hormonal changes.

  1. NATURAL HERBS & VITAMINS [important!]

This made the biggest difference for my own parents.

This is important because of aging and hormonal changes, your body needs specific nutrients to help regulate and improve your cholesterol levels and triglycerides from within, naturally.

Click here for a natural solution:

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