How To Instantly Last Longer In Bed – Best Proven Formula


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How To Instantly Last Longer In Bed – Best Proven Formula
I’ve done a few videos about sexual stuff, something that never intended to do when I first started doing podcasts and blogging.

However, the more I talk about these sexual topics, the more questions I get – especially from guys.

This brings us to today’s topic, which is how to last longer in bed… And more importantly, satisfy your partner!

You’ll also discover how to have a fuller, harder erection, naturally.

And, how to “shoot a bigger load” like a porn star.

So, I think today will be an important topic to many of you, especially when you’re a bit confused or are lacking confidence in this area.

Now, I have done the topic of premature ejaculation in the past and I’ll give you the direct link to that video at the end of this one

And yes, I guess both of these topics are similar…

But how to last longer in bed, I think, has even more to do with also satisfying your partner, in addition to you not feeling embarrassed because you ejaculated too quickly.

And what she may think about you or say to her girlfriends.

And before I get started, please know that if you’re dealing with today’s topic, you’re not alone.

I would say every guy has on a few occasions or many more than a few, came way too quickly.

Especially when we were younger.

And this is a big “complaint” women have about men because women need a much longer time to achieve an orgasm.

For example, based on scientific research, women need about 15 min, while men need just 5 minutes or less of intercourse before they orgasm.

Thus, women need 3x longer time and effort.

In fact, most women can’t orgasm with intercourse alone… and I’ll tell you more about this at end of today’s topic and how to fix this so she’s always happy.

So, today you’ll discover how to last longer, so you can get closer to or even surpass that 15 min mark women need on average.

But even more importantly, how to make sure your partner is satisfied and achieves an orgasm no matter how long you last.

I will share with you information about:
– desensitizer tricks
– self sexual techniques
– meds and SSRI
– focusing on your partner
Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

Visit Dr.Sam Robbins’s blog for more information on your health!

Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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