JEFF FOXWORTHY ESTATE SALE IN GEORGIA … Don’t Gotta be a Redneck to Buy This Stuff


    Jeff Foxworthy’s saying farewell to his massive Atlanta-area home, along with his furniture, memorabilia and personal items that fans and other folks may enjoy … redneck or not.

    The Blue Collar Comedy Tour star is moving out of his 12,000-sq.-ft mansion in Johns Creek, GA and downsizing to a smaller home … so he’s holding a huge estate sale.

    Among Jeff’s items up for grabs include autographed memorabilia from various comedy and entertainment projects, TV scripts, sports collectibles, fine furnishings, a Renaissance billiards table and … 2 white-tailed deer mounts.

    Alright, you might be a redneck if you want those hanging on your wall.

    There’s a whole lot more for sale too, and it’s going down now until Saturday. For those around ATL who wanna stop by, just be sure to make an appointment.

    The timing of the estate sale is interesting, because Foxworthy’s new show — “What’s It Worth?” — just premiered on A&E.

    On the show, Jeff virtually travels around the U.S. with a team of experts to find out what people’s heirlooms, souvenirs and treasures are really worth … something Jeff’s finding out firsthand.


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