John Lewis’ weepy Christmas ad inspired by random acts of kindness in lockdown


This year’s emotional Christmas advert from John Lewis and Waitrose was inspired by the kindness people showed to others in lockdown, the support for the NHS and national treasure Captain Sir Tom Moore

John Lewis’ weepy Christmas ad inspired by random acts of kindness in lockdown

The annual John Lewis feelgood Christmas ad is set to give the nation a massive lift with its heartwarming message when it airs online today.

In a mini-movie designed to capture the caring mood inspired by the NHS, national treasure Captain Tom Moore and local heroes, the ad’s simple message “give a little love” is played out across several different scenarios using actors and animation.

And in keeping with the traditional John Lewis Christmas weepie, at least one of the scenes will have viewers reaching for the tissue box.

But the two minute epic, in partnership with sister store Waitrose, was nearly canned over concerns it would not feel right this year.

It was saved by the nation pulling together during three months of lockdown with selfless acts from ordinary people that gave bosses a change of heart.

This year’s John Lewis Christmas ad is as emotional as ever

Martin George, Director of Customer at Waitrose said: “We felt there was a very real option this year for us not to do an ad at all and we did think about that very seriously.”

But as millions came out to clap the NHS and key workers, neighbours shopped for the most vulnerable in their streets, families cooked for those less fortunate and Captain Tom raised £33 million in his 100th year and inspired countless others to follow in his footsteps, the idea of a kindness chain-reaction was born.


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