Kate Bosworth Reunites With ‘Blue Crush’ Co-Stars Michelle Rodriguez and Sanoe Lake 18 Years Later


It’s a Blue Crush reunion! To celebrate the 18th anniversary of the surfer movie, Kate Bosworth, Michelle Rodriguez and Sanoe Lake virtually reunited on Friday to reminisce about their time on set and how much the movie means to them.

Bosworth began by sharing that she was getting “emotional” seeing her former co-stars. They then cracked up and had a great time remembering when they were forced to live together while on set, their hardcore training, the impact the movie has had on their fans, and more.

“Blue Crush is the one that everyone, particularly like, young girls, always come up to me and say, ‘You inspired me to do this’ and ‘You guys are all pros,'” Bosworth said. “It’s so incredible. When we were all doing the movie, we were so in it and try[ing] to make it great and we were just, at least in my opinion in many ways, living the movie. I didn’t see at that time the impact it would have on all these young women.”

Rodriguez jokingly also apologized for her wild behavior at the time.

“I gotta say, man, I don’t know that girl anymore. I mean, she was nuts!” Rodriguez said of being on set in her ’20s.

Lake, who is a Hawaii native and competitive surfer, also shared how she can’t wait to share the movie with her two children, and how proud she is of the project. “Whether it’s surfing or any other sport, I think that’s why it resonated with so many females and girls. They were like, ‘Oh, I can! I can do it!'” she said.

Of course, all the reminiscing also brought up the one question on fans’ minds. “Everybody wants to know, would we be up for a sequel?” Bosworth asked, with Lake replying, “Yes, obviously. 100 percent!”

Rodriguez said, “I would totally, man. I love you girls and I love Hawaii. You don’t have to ask me twice,” and noted that the story could show the characters as teachers at a surf camp. 

Bosworth chimed in, “Are you kidding me? Let’s make it happen!…I’ll put my life on the line again. I don’t mind for a sequel.”

Proceeds from the Blue Crush reunion supported the Surfrider Foundation, which is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches.


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