Kim K matches outfit with Kanye West again as she attends his latest Donda launch event where he rapped “You came here to show you’re still in love with me”

Kim K matches outfit with Kanye West again as she attends his latest Donda launch event where he rapped "You came here to show you—&client=ca-pub-2427099653703778&output=html&h=300&slotname=1205044426&adk=2546591518&adf=2113904263&×300&!d&btvi=6&fsb=1&xpc=uM2ZUoZStw&p=https%3A//

Kim Kardashian matched outfits with Kanye West again as she attended his second Donda streaming event.

During the first launch event last month, Kanye wore a red gear from his own brand and Kim also wore a skintight red ensemble—&client=ca-pub-2427099653703778&output=html&h=300&adk=2141876619&adf=667904977&pi=t.aa~a.1834861711~i.11~rp.4&w=360&lmt=1628241846&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=4779063894&psa=1&ad_type=text_image&format=360×300&!3&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=fMzARbfJ48&p=https%3A//

The second Donda streaming event held at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium and saw Kim and her estranged husband both dressed in all black.

Kim K matches outfit with Kanye West again as she attends his latest Donda launch event where he rapped "You came here to show you
Kim K matches outfit with Kanye West again as she attends his latest Donda launch event where he rapped "You came here to show you

Once again Kim, 40, had to watch from the stands as Kanye, 44, performed his track Love Unconditionally in which he pleaded with her to “come back” to him.

He also introduced a new song in which he said: “Time and space is a luxury but you came here to show that you’re still in love with me.”—&client=ca-pub-2427099653703778&output=html&h=300&adk=2141876619&adf=3366938152&pi=t.aa~a.1834861711~i.29~rp.4&w=360&lmt=1628241846&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=4779063894&psa=1&ad_type=text_image&format=360×300&!4&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=6Qx6ag9mgB&p=https%3A//

Kim could be seen in the audience on Thursday, August 5, chatting with her and Kanye’s eight-year-old daughter North.

Kim K matches outfit with Kanye West again as she attends his latest Donda launch event where he rapped "You came here to show you


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