Livid’ Philip Schofield thumps desk in vicious clash with Trump supporter


This Morning’s Phillip Schofield shouted over a Trump supporter as she dodged questions about the president “challenging democracy”

This Morning host Phillip Schofield lost his temper on Wednesday’s show as he spoke to a guest who avidly supported Donald Trump in the US election.

Phil slammed his hand down on the table and demanded Toni Holt Kramer listen and answer his question properly.

Trump has already claimed that if he loses it was due to voter fraud and threatened to take the case to the supreme court.

Phillip argued that this is “challenging democracy” as he is not respecting the votes of the US public .

Phil asked Toni if she was capable of listening to anyone

Toni, founder and President of the Trumpettes USA, told Holly Willoughby : “Before you go any further, I must say to you, you’ve got the facts all wrong.”

As Toni started to tell the hosts all about which presidents she has been friends with, Phillip said: “No no no, let’s talk about Donald Trump, that’s why we are here.”


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