Mark Robinson’s ‘Lunatic’ Vibes Laid Bare In Withering ‘Daily Show’ Supercut


“The Daily Show” slammed North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson as “the GOP’s next top lunatic” with a montage of just some of his most offensive comments and moments.

Robinson says there “ain’t but two genders,” makes transphobic, sexist and homophobic comments, talks about a total abortion ban, and is reported to have called survivors of the Parkland school mass shooting “spoiled little bastards” in the supercut that aired Wednesday.

“Wow!” said guest host Ronny Chieng. “This guy hates everybody. Gay people, Jewish people, women, school shooting survivors, Beyoncé.”

“I mean, this guy is so into hating people, he even hates MLK,” Chieng onted. “I know we’re a divided country but I thought the one thing we could all agree on is MLK — good. And by the way, you can’t just hate on everyone and leave out the Asians, that’s racist.”

Former President Donald Trump, who is now the GOP’s likely candidate in the 2024 presidential election, has hailed Robinson as “unbelievable.”

Robinson is the “perfect symbol of where the Republican Party is at right now,” lamented Chieng.


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