Meet the Ghanaian nurse slaying better than your average slay queen


Did you ever think there is a correlation between the hospital and fashion?

Kabuki Hodsgon

Kabuki Hodsgon

Kabuki Hodgson is a qualified nurse in Ghana helping to save lives, especially in this coronavirus era.

What has brought the nurse into the limelight is her career as a TV and Ad model.

Aside from saving lives, Kabuki is definitely slaying than the average slay queen.

Kabuki has always wanted to work in a hospital and also be on TV or billboards.

She’s now living her dream as she ended up being a nurse and also an Ad model which got her featured on huge billboards in town.

Check out some beautiful photos of the style influencer:

Kabuki Hodsgon

Kabuki Hodsgon

Kabuki Hodsgon

Kabuki Hodsgonabout:blank

Kabuki Hodsgon

Kabuki Hodsgon

Kabuki Hodsgon


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