
    Ex-MLB star Aubrey Huff just went BALLISTIC on CA officials for their decision to lock down the state amid a new surge in COVID-19 cases … saying he’s “f**king pissed” and wonders why more people aren’t outraged.

    “I would rather take my chances with the coronavirus,” the former World Series champ said, “and, may I remind you, it has a 99.8% survival rate — than to end up on the f**king street no longer able to provide for my family.”

    testing findings are too volatile to call the 99% survival rate statement accurate.

    The ex-SF Giants infielder — who has a home in Southern California — ranted for over 2 minutes in a video posted to his Twitter page Tuesday … calling people who continue to obey the orders “sheep.”

    “This is nothing but a system of control in order to crash the economy to get Donald Trump out of office,” Huff said. “And, for those of you that can’t see this, it drives me f*king batsht crazy.”

    “You know, I don’t call them masks anymore. I call them mind-control devices and you’re all falling for it. You’re sheep.”

    Aubrey claims suicide rates are “through the roof” due to the closures … and he added, “I’m f**king pissed. I cannot believe you guys aren’t.”

    We haven’t found any reports showing a clear link between COVID and a rise in national suicide numbers so far, though ABC News reports there COULD be un uptick in firearm suicide numbers over the closures.

    For California lawmakers’ part, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday shutting down bars, restaurants, gyms, salons and more were necessary … as positive coronavirus cases have exploded throughout the Golden State over the past month.

    “This continues to be a deadly disease,” Newsom said. “This continues to be a disease that puts people in our ICUs, in our hospitals and is currently putting a strain on our hospital system.”


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