Emily Slater, 36, believed that she had immunity from Covid-19 after falling ill with a fever before the first lockdown was enforced but going into the second lockdown the familiar symptoms returned.

A mum-of-two was shocked when she was diagnosed with coronavirus for the second time since contracting the disease in March.
Emily Slater believed that she had immunity from Covid-19 after falling ill with a fever before the first lockdown was enforced.
As so little was known about the virus when the 36-year-old came down with it, she found it “scary” and feared she might “die”.
She said: “During the first bout of coronavirus, because it was so new and I didn’t know anyone who’d had it, it was all so scary.
“I was so ill I thought ‘Am I going to hospital?’, even ‘Am I going to die?’”

It’s took Emily up to four weeks before she was fully recovered, although the exhaustion was ongoing and she’s found that second time around her coronavirus symptoms have been the same.