NASA says it needs some guinea pigs to test out what life on Mars would be like for a year — right here at home — and they’re asking for regular Earthlings to help out.

The space agency put out a want ad this week, asking for “healthy, motivated” U.S. citizens and/or permanent residents to sign up and volunteer for a year-long simulated experience … which will apparently put 4 lucky participants together in a 3D printed bunker-like environment.

NASA has an idea of what the fake 1,700 square-foot Mars fort (of sorts) will look like … something like what you see above.

Anyway, sounds like they’re going to be doing a few of these “missions” — with the first set to begin in Fall 2022 and take place at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, where they’ll recreate Mars conditions and put these folks through different tests … for, like, research and whatnot.

Some of the things one might expect to be dealing with while there … handling resource limitations, equipment failure and other environmental stressors. There’s also the strong possibility NASA will make you go through simulated spacewalks, scientific research, use of virtual reality and robotic controls and “exchanging communications” … as they put it. ?

There might be some pay, it seems … but the amount isn’t specified in NASA’s press release. But, still, it’s kinda cool … right??? BTW, we know we said ordinary people are wanted — but that’s isn’t entirely true … NASA is seeking the best and the brightest for these simulations.

You gotta have a Master’s degree in a STEM field (science, math, engineering, etc.) … that or the equivalent of it in work experience. You also gotta be between 30 and 55, and more or less healthy (mentally, physically and just about everything else). They’re taking apps now!


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