New York Family Shows Off Larger-Than-Life Christmas Tree Bursting Through Their Roof: ‘Cool and Creative’


One New York family took Christmas decoratingto the next level this year.

In a video posted on TikTok on Dec. 13, a family shows off what appears to be an indoor Christmas tree so large that it crashed through the top of their home.

“So the illusion, guys, is that the tree just busted through the roof,” a man can be heard saying over the video.

“I think we really accomplished it. It looks amazing,” he adds.

Christmas tree (stock image).


In the comments section, TikTok users were in firm agreement that the holiday display was top-notch.

“Never have I seen something like this 😁. I hope my future husband is as cool and creative!” one person wrote.

“This is INCREDIBLE and needs to be viral. Now,” wrote another, while one other commenter added, “Literally the absolute coolest Christmas decoration I have ever laid my eyes on.”

Others, meanwhile, wanted details on how the feat was achieved, with one person writing, “Spill the tea on the illusion please ❤️.”

While it’s unclear whether the woman who posted the video is the owner of the display, she did confirm in the video’s comments section that the home featured can be found in Fairfield, N.Y. 


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