Priyanka Chopra is feeling the love on her 38th birthday. Nick Jonas celebrated his wife’s special day by posting a romantic photo of the two on his Instagram on Saturday, and writing about how much she means to him. In the pic, Chopra wears a yellow pleated dress while she sits on the Jonas Brother’s lap. The “What a Man Gotta Do” crooner lovingly stares at his lady love.
“I could stare into your eyes forever. I love you baby,” Jonas writes. “You are the most thoughtful, caring and wonderful person I have ever met. I am so grateful we found one another. Happy birthday beautiful. ?”
The couple has been making the most of their time together as they quarantine amid the coronavirus pandemic. InBritish Vogue’s “Way Back Home” August issue, which features photos of celebrities in quarantine, the Baywatch star opened up about what life has been like for them at home.
“Although it has been really, really difficult being apart from my mom and brother, who are both in India, I’m so grateful to have spent time with my husband, family and dogs, but mostly with my four year old niece, Krishna,” the Isn’t It Romantic star said. “It’s been incredible watching her discover new things.”
As for how she’s keeping busy in isolation, Chopra added, “Creativity has always been an outlet for me to relieve anxiety. I’ve been writing my book, reading scripts and developing content for film and TV – and I’m trying to learn the piano.”
In a May interview with SiriusXM Hits 1’s Celebrity Session, Jonas stated that he appreciates the quality time he’s been able to spend with his better half.
“[We] only got married like a year ago and a half ago, so it’s been nice to actually have some time at home together, which we didn’t have,” Jonas said. “Similarly, she’s really busy as well in this time, and we’re working from home. So we have that time where it’s sort of structured. Like, we work out together, do our thing, and then do our work and come back and have our nights together and it’s really lovely.”