Nigerian lady blasts father over how he killed her mom’s dream of owning a school; calls him a “fool”


    A Nigerian lady has taken to her twitter page to berate her late father while revealing how his actions killed her mother’s dreams.

    According to the lady’s story, the father opposed her mother’s suggestion to open a school and it was because he couldn’t see past misogyny.

    Her tweets read ;

    In 1999, a man met my mom and told her that his 10 single rooms weren’t renting and that since my mum was a headmistress in govt school, she could start a private school.
    Excitedly my mom told my dad and the fool said what does my mom have with the man that he is giving her 10 Rooms to start a school? Broken in heart and spirit my mom told our lesson teacher and he started a lesson there. My elder sister and I were the first children he started teaching in Nursery school.

    I wrote my Waec in this my lesson teacher school he started from the 10 rooms

    My mom sees this lesson teacher schools and say that was my dream.
    The 10 rooms are still there and renting! But that opportunity was lost because my broke and unemployed dad couldn’t see past misogyny to help my mom open a school

    He would have been the cashier there! Or secetary! He would have taught children like the lesson teacher and make firm a solid business that we would have been the first people to ever do in that location.

    Instead he went from bank to bank looking for a job he never got hating my mom for suggesting.

    He died in his sleep after he started politics and won the primaries for an LGA chairman position

    Hating my mom for suggesting.
    He died in his sleep after he started politics and won the primaries for an LGA chairman position

    — Daughter of Angela Davis. (@DaughterAngela)


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