No set date for removal of fuel subsidy – Minister of state for Petroleum, Timipre Sylva


Minister of State for Petroleum, Timipre Sylva has said there is no set date for removal fo fuel subsidy.

In an interview on Channels Television, Sylva disclosed that government is making efforts to put structures in place to cushion the effect of the eventual subsidy removal.

He said;

“I cannot give you a date for now. But the Vice President is actually leading the efforts and very soon, we will tell Nigerians what date the removal of subsidy will kick in.

“We must be considerate of our people; you cannot say because you have the muscle, box everybody down in the room. So, what we are saying is that before doing this, we need to put some structures in place so that the impact on the people can be minimized. We are trying to create an alternative that is cheaper and more affordable.

“We also think that there should be some palliatives.”

by Linda Ikeji at 06/08/2021 9:25 AM|0 Comments
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