O.C. Star Samaire Armstrong Pledges Support for Trump 2020, After Calling BLM ‘Terrorists’


Samaire Armstrong is voting for Donald Trump in November — and she wants you to know why.

“The O.C.” alum posted an impassioned video on Instagram on Thursday, in which she criticized the “Left mob” for attacking free speech, while praising the President for helping Black people, minority groups and other countries of the world.

“I’m voting #Trump2020, and this is why,” she captioned the vid. “This is MY opinion. I am sharing it with you at the cost of everything, because it is my right. It is your right to refute it.”

In the seven minute video, she insisted she wasn’t a traditional conservative, or even a Republican. “I’m actually an independent,” she said. “I do look at both sides of the party system and assess what’s going on.”

She labeled career politicians like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris “out of their minds,” claiming they have not done anything to solve the systemic racism their followers blame on newcomer Trump.

She accused the Left of fawning over Barack Obama, who she claimed did actually did nothing for the country.

“‘Oh, Obama, our first Black President, this is so awesome’… ” she mocked. “What did he do? What was his success other than being a Black President? Did Chicago get any better?”

To Democratic voters she said: “You’re part of the problem because you’ve been duped into believing that the Democratic Party are for the people, and this idea — that’s been massly pushed by the media — that Republicans are naturally racist people is insulting, frightening, and dangerous.”

She said the truth was Republicans just didn’t want “big Government” in their business — and you shouldn’t either.

She scoffed at the idea Governments should “take care of everybody”, because they are not structured to do that. The US cannot be compared to Scandinavian countries that manage it, she added, because they are smaller.

“Taxing the rich gets in the way of providing jobs for people,” she insisted.

She slammed the erosion of freedom of speech or thought, adding that anyone who supports Trump is branded a “brainwashed idiot.”

The “Dirty Sexy Money” star also questioned what she called the overreaction to Covid, claiming 8,000 people generally die in the US every week anyway.

“Saying ‘I’m a believer in science, I’m a science believer’… that doesn’t mean you’re looking into the science; it proves you’re parroting a narrative that’s been painted that people on the right don’t believe in science.”

“I’m not saying climate change isn’t happening — absolutely, it happens all the time. We were once in an Ice Age, we are now not,” she said. “It’s seasonal, every year, every century.”

She went on to argue that Donald Trump — whom she also voted for in the last election — “isn’t even technically a Republican himself.”

“He’s always socially at heart been a Democrat — a liberal, I should say. Because he believes in social equality. So this fallacy that he’s an evil racist, bigot is f–king bullshit.”

She concluded: “We are riddled with fear right now over speaking; and in America, that’s our right. We have the right to speak out on this.”

In her stories afterwards, she shared dozens of examples of people from around the world saying they agreed with her; even fellow actor Josh Brolin liked her post.

In posts made earlier this week, the 39-year-old actress also branded the Black Lives Matter movement a “billion dollar domestic terrorist organization”, and admitted she regretted speaking on its behalf in the past.

“It’s ok to speak out against the fascist, far left mob,” she wrote. “Call a spade, a spade.”


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