Pete Davidson Shares the Hilarious Way He Accidentally Helped Alec Baldwin Lose 100 Pounds


Alec Baldwin has a single lie that Pete Davidson told him to credit for his weight loss. The 27-year-old Saturday Night Live star opened up about the hilarious story behind the 63-year-old actor getting in shape on Tuesday’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

“I was on set and Alec was hosting and it was a sketch where I had to be shirtless. And, you know, I guess I’m a little bit cut or whatever… there’s no nice way to say that, OK?” Davidson quipped of his physique. “So he came up to me and he was like, ‘What do you do?’ And I didn’t want to be rude and say, ‘I just still have metabolism. I’m not in my mid-50s.’ So to make him feel better, I said, ‘Oh man, I do 100 push ups and 100 sit ups every day.'”

Though The King of Staten Island star does not actually partake in this fitness regimen, his comment inspired Baldwin.

“Then he got the [Donald] Trump gig [on SNL] and so I would see him every week. And every time I’d run into him in the hall, he’d be like, ‘100 a day!'” Davidson said, laughing. “And he started to do it and he lost like 100 pounds. And he says it’s all because of me.”

Davidson could now invite Baldwin over to workout as the comedian has moved out of his mom’s basement and into his own Staten Island pad. He confirmed the news during a FaceTime interview.

“I’m fully out, I got a pad,” he shared after struggling to unlock the door to his new place during the interview.


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