Porn Star Kendra Sunderland Arrested in Texas For Marijuana Possession


Porn star Kendra Sunderland is learning the hard way … marijuana is still illegal in Texas.

The adult-film actress got busted in Montgomery County, Texas for felony possession of a controlled substance … in this instance, marijuana … according to new legal docs obtained.

Kendra’s arrest went down in broad daylight — a little past high noon on August 1, and prosecutors say she had less than one gram of THC. Cops aren’t saying what led to her bust.

Kendra said … “I’ve been advised not to say anything. I’m not trying to incriminate myself any further. I just know that I’m not a criminal. I’m just a stoner.”

Kendra is 29 and she lives in Nevada, where adults 21 years and older can legally possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis in a private residence or a licensed social use lounge — but things are still different down in the Lone Star State, where weed possession is still very illegal.

The docs show Kendra was released from custody after posting a $1,000 bond … and she’s due in the Conroe County courthouse next month.


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