Professional certification in customer service by West Africa Association of Customer Service professionals [Waacsp] to hold online in Ghana and Nigeria in October | REGISTER NOW


West Africa Association of Customer Service professionals [waacsp] – the umbrella body of Customer Service professionals in the Ecowas region will hold the 2nd and final diet for 2020 of professionals’ certification in customer service during the customer service month of October online in Ghana and Nigeria.

The bi-annual certification programme is to train and certify aspiring individuals in the service industry with a view to certifying, chronicling and creating worldwide opportunity for members to grow and further a career as customer service professionals.

In a release signed by Vice President and head of technical and strategy for WAACSP Mr. Nelson Simeon Benson, the 2nd diet will continue same format of online session as was with the 1st diet in June, using the unique online Learning Management School (LMS) and Zoom meeting platform for continuous assessment and class sessions respectively.  However, new features are being added to this diet to increase greater online education, participation and ultimately a cohort of service professionals that understand the changing service culture and it demands in an ever changing world.

This diet also present the last batch of participants before the 2019/2020 combined induction ceremony billed for Lagos-Nigeria.

WAACSP since 2016, have consistently increased the human capital development base of the region in the service industry with WAACSP members leading engagement in telecoms, banking, hospitality, ICT and health services sub-sectors.  WAACSP members are also engaged in remote and virtual service supports in Africa for leading world brands.

The certification program will involve 2 days pre program test, 2 weeks on boarding and module assimilation, 3 days class meet up and 24hrs certification assessment session – all online. Registration started Sept 1st; school portal opens October 3rd while class sessions hold in Nigeria – Oct 22-24 and Ghana Oct 29-31.

Successful candidates from the program upon completion will be inducted as; certified customer service professionals and member West Africa Association of Customer Service professionals- will have their profiles on WAACSP certified service professionals’ members page on it website where engagement opportunities abound  (see example of profiled Certified members page HERE( )) 

Whatever career field you may be, customer service transcends all, be it medical, financial, Human Resources, telecommunications, administration, education, oil & gas etc – a customer service certification is encouraged and will surely stand one out going forward.

For details on how to participate, Click HERE( )

Already a trained CS professional and wish to join WAACSP?

Membership of WAACSP is also open to already trained and practicing professionals of Ecowas nationality practicing in the region or outside of it.  Details and benefits of joining WAACSP as a prior trained professional can be found via this link HERE ( ) 

Customer service certification is open to career professionals across all career fields and spheres of human endeavor provided requirement are met.

Share this information with anyone you know this could be helpful to.


Nigeria – +234 7085556666

Ghana – +233 54 323 3390



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Instagram: @waacsp_english( ) 


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