Protester Sets Himself on Fire Outside White House


A protest over the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Middle East turned ugly after a photojournalist lit himself on fire outside the White House.

Saturday night’s demonstration in Washington D.C. was captured on video, which showed a man — reportedly identified as journalist Sanuel Mena Jr. — setting his left arm ablaze.

Check out the clip … Mena staggered across the street in obvious pain after he turned his arm into a torch.

Police officers rushed to his aid, trying to put out the flames by dousing them with a water bottle. It did little to comfort Mena, who was screaming in agony.

Paramedics arrived and transported Mena to a local hospital, where he was treated for injuries that were non-life threatening.

Mena and other protesters had gathered outside the White House to call for the end of the war in the Gaza Strip, where upwards of 40,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military.

The Palestinians live under the rule of Hamas terrorists, who launched a sneak attack against Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, slaughtering more than 1,200 Jews.

The horrific murders prompted an immediate response from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, leading to the nearly year-long battle in the Gaza Strip with no end in sight.


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